Friday, January 17, 2025

yali capkini episode 92 summary

yali capkini 92 with english subtitles

yali capkini 92 english
yali capkini episode 92 english subtitle

yali capkini episode 92 english what life has the character Ferit had? He comes from a family that is extremely strict and traditional in their religion and culture where things should only be one way and is far from mordent, with a hierarchic grandfather who has always been a tyran. Two parents who could not be parents at all. Neither of them built up good self-confidence and self-esteem in him, but only  curled with him. An aunt who manipulated him and saw to it that he was sexually abused as a minor, which his father probably also knew about. The abuser also manipulated him. A brother despite a close bond also mocked him and was jealous of him.

Has Ferit been allowed to be who he is deep down? No. Has he had pressure on himself to be someone he is not and who he should become? Yes. Did he get to decide his own future? No! Did anyone see his mental health he had for years? No! Did anyone listen to him? No! Did anyone see what he was good at? No! Did he get praise for things he did on his own? No! Did everyone just look down on him? Yes! That they spoiled him was it his fault? No. 

Did he ever want the life that was destined for him? No! Did he have someone who gave him support or guided him? No. Did he have any security in someone in his family? No. Who in this family taught him right from wrong huh? Who taught him what love and care was in a normal and proper way? No one. Who taught him how a healthy love relationship should be? No one! Who taught him how to manage the company properly? No one. 

Take for example where we are now what does Orhan do instead of helping to guide his son but also Seyran in how the company should be run he is so jealous and instead wants to take back the power he once had that put them in their financial situation from the beginning. He can't even handle that his son is higher chosen than him.

Has Halllis all his life done things By the book? No. 

Didn't he grow up with trauma? Yes! Everyone is affected by their upbringing, both good and bad, but it is those we know and those who shape us on many levels that remain even in adult life. Being a Korhans means you must be perfect and spotless. You should never make any mistake or mistake. Then you are just get accused. 

You can never show yourself weak even more so if you are a man. You just have to obey and do what everyone else says. As soon as you go against it, you are a bad person and will be crucified. Is it true that older people always know and know best? No.

Where did he get some kind of love and affirmation from? Well from girls and women but who only wanted him for his status and name , catching a Korhan was a prize and to get a rich life not for true love. Who wanted him just because who he is a person who also has his flaws like all people have. 

Talking about feelings is not something he has learned, quite the opposite, to hide them and pretend they don't exist. That he early chose to numb himself with alcohol, which is the most common way for people, is that an excuse? No, but an explanation!  . But what has he always done? Yes, he has always cared about others, stood up for others, shown kindness to others protecded orhers when needed. Was he completely wrong when he felt he wanted revenge on his family who chose a life for him both with what he would do in his life and who he would live with? No.

And what was his revenge? He chose himself and not the one who was chosen for him. Was it his fault he got approval to marry Seyran? No it was Kazim who allowed it with his greed and culture where the fate of his daughters was to be married off. Was it his fault Pelin came to Antep to make sure he wouldn't get physical with his wife? No. Was it wrong for him to be honest there and then with Seyran? No. Even if Seyran wanted to get away from her father's violence, she could also have told him to get out of the marriage there and then but she didn't and as we remember she later said I would rather live with my father than be with you! .

So many times that Seyran said terrible things to him but he has stayed, he received both words and blows from her. He continued to protect her and help her and her sister. And already on the first day when they came home, they both agreed that they had a marriage only on the outside and on paper and she was satisfied that he was with Pelin because then she could avoid him. 

When Seyran found out about Sultan her only reaction was that it was terrible she never thought about him finding out that he was taken advantage of her from a young agen she didn't even ask him how he felt after that. Did she ask him how he feelt after relaized how mutch Pelin had done to him? No . Is also so many times she has done bad things and not apologized genuinely and had to work for his trust again cause he has always forgave her regardless.

Even though she later kept back that she was sick, he wanted to be by her side, and when he was then left for the thousandth time in all that, it was like everything that had been and that then happened made him have a mental break down. That he is angry now for different things is not so strange. He never got the chance to say what he feels during those 2 years without her what everything has done to him. 

He was on pills that kept him above the surface but no longer do. Things you put aside always catch up sooner or later. For 2 years he was the one who kept the company up with his designers and took responsibility, and when it was taken away from him it was like all his effort meant nothing and was completely useless, and Seyran gets to take over who didn't care before and left and traveled around the world instead. 

The place he had and which has been imprinted in him since birth, who he will be and what he will do, his entire identity was taken away from him so no wonder he feels anger and frustration. But no one sees and understands. All everyone does is to blame him. All his life and frome family to love everyone has always demand things from him never appreciated him and he has never feelt his been worthy or enough.

BY : Cilla Holm

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