Yali Capkini Episode 88 English Subtitles
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Yali Capkini Episode 88 English |
Yali Capkini Episode 88 Trailer 1 English Subtitles
My summary of this week's episode. It wasn't much I liked to be honest.
Seyran who was cold again and accused Ferit of faking his fainting and wanted Halli's position. Why dosen’t she see he just trying to solve everything ? Nor she dosen’t
see his mental healt or how stressed he is from everything including always being the one to give love to her both in word and action and try to prove things for her but she don’t do or give or prove anything equivalent back just demand things of him.
Ferit's whole family knew he had mental issues that almost destroyd him.
Since Seyran never was interested
to know how he felt mentaly during those last 2 years someone in his family should have told her how mutch it affected him how sick he got after what she did . just to protect him for once but no one never protects him. One thought that came to my mind is what if Ferit suffers of the same disease that Kaya's mother had given to that he sees and talks to Fuat.
Seyran acts like a person who’s bipolar with her extreme self-confidence, with her changing moods and highs and lows with feelings one second she is so in love the next she’s iscold. I understand Ferit feelt Seyran wanted to stab him in the back by going to Hallis and revealing the plan instead of stand by his side. How could Seyran be so sure that Hallis had resisted the proposal to get that loan provided that
they mortgage the house who knows he might have agreed to it when there was no other choice.
Ferit has never aspired to take over, he was chosen since birth, which Seyran knows and when she then says when she tells Suna and Abidin Ferit's plan that she doesn't trust him and once again she throw in his face that she trusts her sister the most. Why should he trust her and give her sutch mutch love when she always treat him bad with her behavior . What does she do to help resolve the situation for example? Also Abidin just judge instead of help . Instead of judging, scolding, threatening and getting angry with him why not try to help and calmly discuss other solutions.
Every time Ferit tries to do something it's always with good intentions even when it get’s wrong but when Seyran does something it's always to prove something usually that she's right and everyone else is wrong.
Since all the pressure is put on him and no one wants to help him , instead he get’s forced into having to lie and do things behind there’s back. Of course Seyran was right in her suspicions and not to trust what he said, why didn't she go and tell Hallis instead as she was so determined to do. And Hallis should have asked Seyran what did you wanted to tell Ferit did.
Ifakat, Orhan, Kazim, Hallis all of them tried to find someone who could lend money wherever you would get a loan it would be demands so what is actually wrong with Ferit's deed? He doesn't know that he's walking into a trap, how can you really blame him when everyone puts the pressure on him that he's the one who has to solve everything all by himself.
Orhan's jealousy of his son because he is chosen as the new master. Honestly, I can neither understand nor sympathize with him. What has he done in his life for the family to deserve that ring and place when he cheated on his wife for years, when he allowed Ifakat to cast Sultan on his minor son, when he involved Fuat in taking money from the family business abroad, when he called Ferit a murderer the list could be made longer. Orhan is a coward, cheater and worthless man who is still afraid of his father. He couldn't even protect his children from what he feelt from his father that you are worthless and incompetent unless it's on their terms.
And now he also wants to withhold the truth that he is not the father of the child just picause he can’t face he was wrong and stupide, and don’t want his father to be right about him. , And of top of that he had the guts to stand and say to Gulgun I hope Betul lied because he also wants her back and then flipped on his words so horrible.
I hope Ferit throw him under the bus and revel the truth intront of everyone. And i hope Gulgun do the same to Orhan like Esme did to Kazim. Terribly annoyed when we thought Betul would disappear but didn't
When the doctor saw Suna come to the meeting by herself without Seyran whom she asked to come in, she should have just refused to even talk to Suna.
She keept insisteded on talking to Seyran, but when Suna was telling her about her concern after Seyran was ill
She both broke confidentiality and leak classified information to her sister. So unethical she should have hold on to her professional secrecy and keept her mouth shut , i just feelt pull the dr license asp!
Suna's attempt to protect Seyran from grief backfires because she risks her health by not telling. She knows Seyran planing a life with Ferit.
That Suna agreed to sign
was because Ferit made her understand the truth that Seyran and Abidin don't want to see because there really was no other way.
Suna for once wanted to make her own choice that was only her’s after both Seyran and Abidin talked over her head and didn't ask her what she thought but just assumed she would do what they took for granted. She also wanted to be apart of doing some good.
When Ferit and Seyran sleep together, there was nothing hot or special romantic about it, I had expected more and a morning with them waking up with each other. They didn’t get that moment for them self picause of top of that right after that scene Suna had her nightmare that totaly destroyed that moment even more. The pararell of ep 57 vs 87 they want us again to think Sunas dreaming of having Ferits child but i think it stands for that she can’t not have children.
The few Seyfer scene with some love are to week and ends up in the shadows.
Abidin's meeting with his mother. we can only expect bad things. She will do a lot of damage. Abidin has not forgotten what he had to endure from Korhans and still feel .My guess is that he will join forces with his mother who will reveal what Suna and Ferit did to get him on her side.
Then I can't understand how she choosed him away all his life just to plan her revenge for whatever reason that is. How could that be more important than having her son by her side and then coming back when he was an adult. Here, too, a thought came to my mind, Could it be that she and Latif collaborated for several years and through working togehther of his stores she has become rich. Also it could be a reason why she have so much information about Halli's personal life and who he was involved with all his lives after she was supposed to be dead.
It's so heartbreaking this contract will put Ferit in a bad situation and how everyone will blame him. Seyran and Abidin will both hold him responsible for everything and say he tricked Suna intstead of hold her to responsible, i mean she choosed to sign with her own decision so she is just as much to blame
All four's relationships with each other will create a big rift between them, but it is Ferit who will feel the worst and be left alone in everything. A big Seyfer and Absun fight is going to arise.
Ferit deserved the ring because he is the only one who has done everything for his family even if not every time it has turned out well, he has still tried but he has also succeeded many times. Who was it now that found out about the suspicions of Betul , Ferit. It was wrong of Hallis to let Ferit fix such a big and serious problem on his own.
And Hallis could have been more demanding that Ferit told him how he solved it when he asked. And it was heartbreaking
Ferit didn't took the chance to be honest there but I understand why. Hallis probably hasn't always been right either and obviously has a lot of enemies and people who sell themselves to crush him. Everyone he thought respected him and stood by his side probably did so for their own selfish reasons everyone can turn on a blink.
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