Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Yali Capkini Episode 53 Summary and Frames

Yali Capkini Episode 53 The Hunter Needs Its Hunt

Yali Capkini Episode 53
Yali Capkini Episode 53 English Subtitles

Yali Capkini Episode 53 Summary and Frames

We took a week's break from Yali Capkini with an episode finale that we have not yet been able to find an answer to the question of whether Ferit is a real playmaker to the extent that it will refresh the audience. The analysis of the 52nd episode we left behind is from the pen of Svl. Happy reading 

When you watch a documentary, you see that the main focus is always on the hunter. The predator watches its prey for a long time, identifies its weak points and makes its move accordingly. It is marketed to us as this prey needs a hunter. But the truth of the matter is not quite like that. The predator is nothing without its prey. He is a thirsty warrior who is doomed to starve and die without prey. 

In other words, the hunter is always in need of prey. The imbalance of power and its poisoning are precisely the result of this delusion. "The hunter covers his own smallness and inadequacy with images of power and greatness that the power and greatness of others evoke in him" In other words, he condemns himself to a kind of illusion. It covers up its insignificance not by being able to accomplish things, but by the power it subjugates.

The main theme of the episode, for me, was power. Three children with false perceptions of power, and a dozen people poisoned by the power they get.

We watched the first Kazim's delusion of power, and Seyrana thought that he had subjugated and made him do what he said, but he was wrong. Seyran was now an individual who rejected his advice and teachings and raised himself with proper teachings again.

Then we watched Ferit's delusion of power over the surname 'Korhan'. Ferit was also greedy that this surname, which was said to have had costs all his life, was useless, and that a small part of the dirty laundry kept as family secrets was revealed and those very valuable surnames were defiled.

He made the mistaken impression that power is a 'surname', a 'reputation' or a 'well-established family'. Just like Halis Korhan, who built that empire of fear.

The real hunters are evident from their thirst for blood, their greedy gaze, their refusal to recognize any value judgments... And those predators know very well the sensitive points of their prey. Especially if they are the one who raised you...

We have said more than once that although Ferit grew up with his mother and father, he tasted both motherlessness and fatherlessness to the fullest.

This fact is once again falling out of Ferit's tongue.

A great commitment... We have Halis Korhan who knows very well how to manage this commitment. Unfortunately, Ferit is so attached to his grandfather that even when Fuat dies and shouts 'you are a murderer!' and drags him around, he is so attached to his grandfather that he asks for halal. Because a grandfather figure who manipulates 'I didn't live so that you can live comfortably' and his invisible parents are next to Orhan/Gülgün; They could not protect their children from their grandfather, İfakat or the Sultan.

I once read a book that said: 'How could my parents know my bam strings so well? It's simple, they installed them on you.' In other words, there is no other type of manipulation that can hold a person directly by the neck as much as the manipulator of the family.

In other words, while Ferit was a wounded prey that had been shot out of weakness just ten minutes earlier, his grandfather hunted him very well.

These weaknesses, which are triggered by the high level of attention hunger in children who do not receive parental attention, are hit right by the way Seyran's words. Ferit's rebellion is two things.

One: 'You've forgotten all that happened, am I just bad memories for you?'

Two: 'It's between you and me, why did you include my family?'

Seyran rightly responds to the first with his callousness. "I'm sorry I didn't think to tell you about my good memories with the man who put me through so much," he almost says.

The answer to the second question should be, "We are both victims of the family, Ferit." Unfortunately, Ferit is not aware of this, and Seyran is not in the mindset to explain it.

For Seyran, the power is now 'individuality'. He says I will take my own path and crush whoever gets in my way. But on the other hand, just like Hattuç, he condemns himself to loneliness. People who bandage their wounds to hide them witness that the wound festering after a while, whereas dressing that wound despite the pain is a step towards healing. And the illusion of power is all over the place, but it hides bruises; In the future, those wounds will be much bigger problems.

Let's talk about Suna... Suna thinks power is 'money'. What a mistake that unfortunately he will learn by experiencing that his unhappiness is not in that 'golden cage'. Was Suna wrong about her words to Seyran? I can't say that she was wrong, Seyran's account was heavy for Suna, who has not yet overcome the perception of family secrets that she has been taught for years, no matter how bad a style and method she uses. 

He had not yet been able to face himself because, just like Ferit, he was faced with his family's problems and that family problems should not be inherited by individuals. Because just because your family is bad, you don't have to be bad.

My favorite scene in the episode was the Esme Zerrin scene. There's nothing I like more than the way Seyran illuminates everyone around him with his light. In a way, it touches everyone's life from the right points. He taught Esme not to bow down, Gülgün not to remain silent...

Gülgün's conversation with Ferit was also very valuable at this point. While Ferit's lack of empathy is a very troubling situation, it was very nice to have this mentioned by Gülgün, but I hope the issue of being left at the top of the mountain by saying 'they came' is a joke or something. Seriously, it seems so ridiculous even when I think about it humanly. I'm still like, 'He sent someone, didn't he?'

Although this kind of sharp behavior is written to feed the events at the end of the episode, it is very damaging to the story and the audience. On top of that, the transfer of emotion that doesn't soften a sharp pen and the lack of scenes we need to understand emotionally have become strangely annoying. Ferit's disappointment-themed speech in the first ten minutes of the episode is so full of anger that one can't listen to the content or you put a 'game' theme in the end-of-chapter project, but you don't make us feel what and how much of it is the game. 

This opens two very extreme interpretation doors. As far as I know the character, I say that the game state is impossible in the emotional state, based on the fact that he said 'I don't mind your games' in his own mouth, but I can never say no to an opposing view because there is a problem with my flow.

I clearly understand the numbness of the character of Seyran, but I think you should reflect the emotional state of a person who has been ripped off by his sister or who has gone through very difficult events, even for two minutes. Moreover, while Ferit has so many unnecessary scenes, the absence of this suffocates the audience. No, the funny part is that Ferit's scenes are also empty based on mood. 

For example, he has a plan for his grandfather, you make him feel it, but you don't tell him exactly what it is. I liked his scene with Kaya, especially the fact that he said 'I'm in, you're outside, Ferit' is precious to me. From the beginning, if Seyran flew out of the nest, it had to be a Ferit with whom he had no permanent bond. His home is Seyran...

Kaya's half-baked 'I'm enjoying everything you left, marriage, family...' I think the sentence is appropriate. Ferit lost. And yes, he lost it from his own incompetence. Now he has to accept everything he has been through, open his eyes and rebuild his self.

Let's come to our last dinner...

Ferit's speech was a very good speech for me. There was a Ferit who was aware of his inability to love and that the love he learned was wrong. In fact, as he said to his grandfather, the most innocent thing in that mansion was the love between them. But Ferit failed to protect it and polluted it. Now, as this bond is being broken, I think it is a very nice detail that the ring, which is our common design, takes its place on Seyran's finger like a new vow.

The last scene is quite hurtful, I agree with many of you on this. But I think the next episode needs to be watched in order to make a healthy comment about that scene.

Our episode was a section with the message 'if my hand is worth it, it will cease to be yours'. As Ferit Korhan comes out of that glass bubble with Seyran's hand, the path they walk will cease to be the path of 'me' and become the path of 'we'! I hope they don't hurt each other more in their wars.

Let me not go without saying; I loved the chess theme and the places in the episode that nurtured the feeling of familiarity that was given to us even before the theme of love. Although everyone reads differently, there is definitely a very intriguing aspect to this chess theme.

Drawing is our first common denominator, so it is very valuable to me.

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